(Project Leader: Arijit Chaudhuri)
A project was undertaken by the Institute to develop methods of statistical sampling to carry out Internal Audit in the Health Sector as sponsored by the Ministry of Finance, Government of West Bengal. This was started on 1st April 1999 and completed on 30th April 2000. A 'Report' on this has been prepared and submitted to the sponsors. The project team was composed of T.J. Rao, Palash Sarkar, Subir Mitra, D.K. Chaturvedi, Sm. Kasturi Basu and Arijit Chaudhuri. Most of the office assistance was received from Applied Statistics Unit, Accounts Department, Reprography Unit and the Transport Unit.
This project, funded by the Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, was conducted by ISI to assess the employability/self-employability of ITI certificate holders.
(Project Leader: J.K. Ghosh; Coordinator: Tapas Samanta)
This collaborative project was funded by the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research. A sampling scheme for allocation of optimum number of observation points to the most appropriate locations was developed.
(Project Coordinators: B.K. Sinha, G.M. Saha, Debasis Sengupta)
Scientists from several units of ISI collaborated with ASU scientists on this inter-disciplinary project funded by the Coal India Limited, to assess the risk on the part of a coal supplier from an agreement with a utility company for the supply of coal. A risk analysis model, called Model for Analysing the Supply of Coal (MASC), and a corresponding software was developed.
(Project Leader: Ayanendranath Basu)
This was an ISI-funded project. Several minimum distance methods of inference were constructed, their robustness studied theoretically and algorithms for their efficient computation developed.
(Project Leader: Bimal Kumar Roy)
This project, funded by the Defense Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), was taken up by ISI jointly with the Bengal Engineering College. The aim of the project is to develop, implement and evaluate cryptanalysis of LFSR-based encryption schemes.
(Project Leader: Ayanendranath Basu)
This is an ISI-funded project. A preliminary projection of HIV incidence in Calcutta has been obtained on the basis of pooled information from various sources. Work on bootstrap confidence intervals as well as sensitivity analysis is in progress.
(Project Leader: Parimal Mukhopadhyay)
This ISI-funded survey project has been taken up to estimate certain socio-economic characteristics of households in a few municipal areas of two districts in West Bengal.
(Project Leader: Anup Dewanji)
In this ISI-funded project, A nonparametric estimator of cause-specific hazard rates in competing risks with missing failure types has been developed. Robust and nonparametric estimators of a number of component processes in a system of superimposed iid renewal processes have also been obtained. Work on other types of incomplete data is in progress.
(Project Leader: Debasis Sengupta)
This ISI-funded project aims to develop a comprehensive set of diagnostics for the proportional hazards and other regression models for survival data.
(Project Leader: C.H. Sastry)
This is an ISI-funded project. Various issues related to segmentation and tilt correction of scanned text images of Telugu script are being studied.
(Project Leader: C.H. Sastry)
This ISI-funded project is aimed at studying the statistical characteristics of the written form of the Telugu language.
(Project Leader: Pabitra Palchaudhury)
This ISI-funded project has been undertaken in order to study the mathematical properties of nearest neighborhood 2D CA transformations.